10 Best Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing

One of the biggest challenges of starting affiliate marketing is growing your audience. While many people will prefer to jump straight to paid promotions, such as Facebook Ads, it’s very possible to get visitors for free from these 10 Best Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing

Done right, you can strengthen your online presence, gain more traffic and boost your conversion rate without spending a dime. There are a ton of options out there for finding free website traffic.

Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing

In this article, I’ve put together a comprehensive list of 10 Best Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing.

From SEO to online forums, each of the traffic sources on this list is totally free, so you can start seeing results, even on a strict budget.

In fact, there are so many free sources of traffic that it can be hard to narrow down to a core few. It’s important to be picky because even though you don’t have to spend money on these traffic sources, they do require your time and attention to succeed.

1. Quora

With hundreds of millions of active users each month, Quora is a social media platform that has question and answer sections. One of the most underappreciated sources of free traffic is this platform.

The best part is that using Quora is completely free. Quora is excellent for almost any specialty because it has a vast selection of categories, much like Reddit.

How Can You Gain Traffic From Quora?

Think of Quora as a platform to show off your expertise by answering questions. People go to this website to find expert answers to their questions.

You can go to quora spaces that relates to your niche, and browse through the questions. Once you find one that you can answer, write an informative response.

Include a link back to a relevant article on your website that provides further detail on the topic.

2. Search Engines (SEO)

Google is the best source of free traffic by far. Google’s responsibility is to give users the best possible response to their queries. To determine which sites offer the most important information, Google makes use of a number of ranking parameters.

Now, if you really want to gain free traffic to your site using search engines, you’ll want your site to be on the first page of a search results page (SERP).

How Can You Get Free Traffic From Google?

So, the big concern is, how can you use search engines to rank high in search results, and get free traffic to your website?

The answer lies with search engine optimization or SEO. SEO means that your site is optimized according to Google’s ranking factors so that it shows up in a Google search.

In order to fully grasp the idea of SEO, you’ll need to do some serious research. That being said, I’ll lay out some SEO pointers to get you started with SEO.

3. Medium

Bloggers who want to reach a larger audience and appear in organic searches should check out Medium. This highly regarded online publication includes recognized authorities in a variety of subjects.

Believe it or not, anyone can write for Medium– including you. And with a built-in audience of 170 million readers, it’s not a bad place to make a name for yourself.

How Can You Get Free Traffic From Medium ?

Anyone can write on Medium, as I already indicated; all you need is an account. What’s nice is that it’s completely free. Despite this, Medium has some rather stringent policies regarding overt attempts to send visitors to another website.

To get around this rule, make sure any external links you share are highly relevant to what you’re writing about. Your links should be genuinely useful to the reader. Keeping that in mind, you can share links to your blog or even YouTube videos to gain more traffic.

4. Reddit

One of the most well-known social media platforms on the internet is Reddit. Thousands of specialty communities, sometimes known as subreddits, are hosted on this enormous website. The focus of each subreddit is a distinct subject. Anything you can imagine is probably available on Reddit. Naturally, this is encouraging for websites in virtually every market.

How Can You Use Reddit to Gain Traffic?
Using Reddit to gain website traffic is a very simple process. People check communities regularly to stay updated on new posts and content, and they even ask Reddit for recommendations when looking for the best product to buy.

In addition to that, Reddit.com is such a powerful domain that posts can get indexed and rank on Google, which can amount to a lot of free traffic for your site.

5. TikTok

Despite being one of the more recent social networking apps, TikTok has become very popular. Since TikTok is solely a video app, you’ll need to be familiar with visual media. Getting the viewer to watch the entire video is the key to effective content marketing on TikTok. Obviously, this entails producing content that is extremely interesting, educational, and amusing.

The great thing about TikTok is that it’s often easier to gain a following than on other social media sites. If you have a knack for video making, this could be the tool for you.

How Can You Use TikTok to Gain Traffic?

You must first determine whether your target market actually uses TikTok. Teenagers and younger adults are the main users of this social networking platform. Therefore, your chances of success on TikTok are substantially higher if you know your audience is made up of people between the ages of 17 and 34.

The first thing you should know is that TikTok is all about trends and challenges. These trends change extremely quickly, so it can be tricky to stay on top of things. That being said, joining a TikTok challenge can be a smart way to gain followers quickly. Once you’ve built a following, you can start directing them to your website.

6. Pinterest

One of the top visual search engines available is Pinterest, which is also a highly effective free traffic generator. Pinterest is fantastic since it has many features that are similar to those of social media apps, but it also allows you to rank on Google much like Reddit does.

If you’ve created a Pin that a lot of people find useful, it may appear on a Google search result. Of course, this option works best if your content lends itself to images.

How Can You Get Free Traffic From Pinterest?

The first step to using Pinterest as a tool to get free traffic is to create a Pinterest account. If you have a website that sells products, you may want to consider creating a Pinterest shop as well.

Linking your new blog posts to your Pins is the secret to using Pinterest to drive more traffic to your website. This is really easy to accomplish. You can immediately embed a link in the post when making a new Pin. A person will then have the opportunity to click on an outbound link that directs them to your website when they click on that Pin.

7. Email Marketing

One of the most underutilized strategies for increasing organic traffic and audience retention is email marketing. By creating an email list, you may use this digital marketing technique to advertise your most recent content.

In actuality, audience retention is a crucial component of organic traffic, so keep your attention on the people who have already visited your site. In a similar spirit, email marketing is a powerful marketing strategy for building a devoted following.

How Can You Use Email Marketing to Gain Traffic?

Lucky enough, using email marketing as a traffic source is fairly simple. All you need to do is create an opt-in form on your website that prompts the readers to add their email address to your list.

Using a lead magnet is one of the best ways to build your email list. A lead magnet refers to term for a free item or service that the visitor gets in exchange for signing up.

8. YouTube

This video platform is one of the most powerful ways to direct traffic to your website and increase your chance of ranking in an organic search. On top of that, video content is an excellent way to boost audience interaction and gain quality leads.

How Can You Use YouTube to Gain Traffic?

Using YouTube as a tool to drive traffic to your website is effective, but it does take some time. There are a few technical things you’ll have to get in order before you start. Once you get your YouTube channel up and running, it’s easy to place links to your website or blog directly in the video.

9. Instagram

Instagram has grown into a valuable marketing platform unto itself, but it’s also a valuable source of traffic.

You can place a link to your website directly in your user bio for your followers to check out. Like Pinterest, Instagram is a visual platform. That means your content has to translate to compelling pictures and videos for this option to work.

How Can You Use Instagram to Gain Traffic?

The learning curve for social media, particularly Instagram, can seem quite steep. It will be quite helpful to have a basic understanding of content marketing. Remember that you’ll need to produce top-notch material, post frequently, and engage with your fans.

The key to using Instagram to get free traffic is to create posts that correspond to your website. If you’re a blogger, make a post that is relevant to your latest blog post. If you run an online store, use Instagram to show off your newest products.

10. Guest Posting

Guest blogging is a great way to gain traffic from the right audience. When you write a guest post for a blog in a similar niche, you’re speaking to an audience that is likely interested in your content. Guest posts are the most effective when you place a link to your website somewhere in that post. Ideally, that backlink is placed as high up in the article as possible.

Done correctly, backlinks from guest posts can bring quality referral traffic directly to your website.

How Can You Use Guest Blogging to Gain Traffic?

If you’ve never tried guest posting, you may be unsure of where to begin. The fact is that there is no secret to getting a guest article. The best approach is straightforward manual outreach.

Now, before you reach out to any blog, you should have a solid idea of what that blog is all about. Take a look at how often they feature guest writers and if those posts include backlinks back to the writer’s website.

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