Top 10 Passive Income Books You Should Read

If you happen to have internet access and a computer/laptop or a smartphone, it is very much possible that you can start earning passive income online. Of Course it is a dream for most people as most of the hard work is pre-done and you just sit back enjoy the benefits of your hard work.

Disclaimer: Passive Income is not a quit-your-job-or get-rich-quick scheme, but a new path that may very well lead to financial freedom. What you first need to know is that it is not easy to earn passive income online. If it was easy, everyone would be as rich as Elon Musk! I have therefore shared some E-books to enable you kick start your financial freedom journey. Let’s first understand what passive income is all about.

What is Passive Income?

Passive Income is Money earned with minimal activity through various kinds of sources that needs a little daily effort on an individual’s part.

It means that you create certain streams of income that generate money even while you sleep.

Income Streams that pay you when you sleep, when you are at the beach, or even when you are traveling to your favorite country.

Some of the common streams of passive income are affiliate marketing, rental income, or starting a blog like the one you are reading.

These ideas may take some time and hard work to get up and running, but eventually can help you make money while you sleep.

#1 Click Millionaires

click millionairesClick Millionaires work less, live more with an internet business you love. It’s time for a change! Your job should help you live the life you want, not force you into a lifestyle you don’t enjoy just to keep your bills paid. Instead, how about building a lifestyle you like today so you don’t have to postpone so much of your life until retirement.
This book shares details of the unprecedented opportunity you have to (re)design your career and life to achieve financial independence and success on your own terms.

#2 The $100 startup

100 startupThe $100 Startup .Reinvent the way you make a living, do what you love, and create a new future. With traditional career doors slamming shut, it’s easy to panic, but Chris Guillebeau sees opportunities everywhere.
Business, like traveling, is often improved by starting poor. You are forced to improvise, innovate, and stay close to reality. You can’t buy solutions, so you have to create your own. Suddenly you have the first part of success—something of value. I got all this from The $100 Startup, which is full of practical advice about inventing your own livelihood. Chris Guillebeau knows what he is talking about

#3 The Six-Figure Second Income

The Six Figure Second IncomeThe Six-Figure Second Income. How to start and grow a successful online business without quitting your job. This book is about how you can make a very substantial income a full-time income by spending only bits and pieces of your time on the side.
You don’t need to take any leaps of faith and quit your day job, nor do you need to sign up for any membership clubs or multilevel-marketing schemes. You simply can follow the tested-and-proven advice and take one baby-step after the next until you arrive at your financial destination.

#4 Passive Income Secrets

Passive Income Secrets: Passive Income SecretsThe Essential How-to Guide for Creating Financial Freedom and Living the Life You Have Always Wanted! Over the past few years, Passive Income has become a buzz word. There have been a lot of articles in the internet written about the topic. 
So what really is Passive Income?
Yes, it can be an important tool that can give you the financial freedom that we all aspire for. But more than that, passive income is a system that will require both time and effort from you. You will need to perform initial research and quite extensive preparations.
When you are able to do so, your passive income will allow your money to work for you while you stay at home, travel around the world or even while you sleep.

#5 Blogging Guide for Beginners

Blogging Guide for beginnersBlogging Guide for beginners, How to create your blog step by step, Building a profitable website to make money online. There are a lot of people in the society who have the skills to write and earn but are unaware of how to get started with WordPress. You might be hearing with your friends and colleagues that to be a tech savvy you need to learn how to code and run. But as the myth is no more on rolling.
You are very close to start work from home with the blog and you can easily get started by earning in 6 figures soon. The only way is to have the passion to learn and grow yourself in this pandemic so you will not have to worry about how to survive in bio wars if your jobs are layed off or you don’t have a job. 

#6 Passive Income

Passive IncomePassive Income – Your Complete Guide to Building Multiple Streams of Passive Income, What if you could earn money while you sleep, or while you spend quality time with your family and friends? The goal of this book is to help you do exactly that. It might sound too good to be true – but I promise you, it’s not. The secret to accomplishing that goal is learning about a type of income called passive income. Working longer hours, and taking time away from the people and things you love, is notthe answer. The real answer is to find ways to make money that are reliable and steady, and that don’t require you to spend your life working so hard that you don’t have time to smell the roses

#7 Side Hustle

Side HustleSide Hustle. Build a side business and make extra money. Whether you’re no stranger to side hustles or you’re brand-new to the concept, this book will help you get up and running with a profitable project in a short period of time. All the details are in 250 pages, but here’s what you need to know right now:

  • Everyone should have a side hustle. Even if you love your job, having more than one source of income will give you more freedom and more options.
  • It’s not that hard to start one. You can do so in less than a month by following the lessons in this book.
  • To be successful at hustling, you first need to understand how to generate profitable ideas and then choose which one is best at any particular time. You’ll learn both of these skills in the first half of the book.

#8 The Smart Passive Income Guide

Passive Income GuideThe Smart Passive Income Guide. How to Successfully Create Passive Income Streams With A Growth Mindset. Earning a passive income is something that a lot of people dream of. We all have heard myths about how we can easily make a lot of money without having to do a lot of work. We will jump all in to products or programs people advertise online and hope that everything is just going to work out for the best. With this kind of mentality, we will end up failing pretty quickly. This guidebook discusses this in some detail and is meant to educate you before you decide to take the plunge on this exciting income source.

#9 Affiliate Marketing Guide

affiliate marketing 1Affiliate Marketing Build Your Own Successful Affiliate Marketing Business from Zero to 6 Figures, By the end of this book, you’ll know the specific steps to take in order to become an affiliate marketing guru. While it takes some time and dedication to get started, once you learn the basics you’ll be able to develop a reputable and sound online business for yourself and make fewer mistakes along the way. You will discover why affiliate marketing is considered by many people to be a fabulous way to earn passive income on the internet, along with all of the tools that you’ll need to get started.

#10 Online Business Startup

Online Business StartupOnline Business Startup The entrepreneurs guide to launching a fast, lean and profitable online venture. Rob’s book Online Business Startup is a refreshing read for any serious business owner. Rather than jumping right into tactics, he takes you by the hand and helps you explore what would actually benefit your business in a positive sense.

Rob offers a great wealth of details so that business owners and entrepreneurs are empowered to make the right
choices to gain visibility online. Highly recommended!

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